Top 5 DIY Projects for a Raspberry Pi
raspberry pi

Top 5 DIY Projects for a Raspberry Pi

The Raspberry Pi is a versatile and affordable mini-computer that has captivated the imagination of DIY enthusiasts worldwide. The Pi at it’s most basic core is an educational tool so each project you complete will level up your skills. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced tinkerer, the Raspberry Pi offers countless opportunities to build,

What Happened to the File-Sharing Platform Napster, and Is the Service Still Around?
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What Happened to the File-Sharing Platform Napster, and Is the Service Still Around?

The digital music landscape has been dramatically transformed over the past few decades, with various services coming and going. Among the most iconic and, at times, controversial names in this evolution is Napster. This platform started as a revolutionary peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing service that changed how people accessed music online. But what has become of

How to Tell if Your RAM Chips Are Failing

How to Tell if Your RAM Chips Are Failing

Random Access Memory (RAM) is an essential component of any computer system, and it plays a crucial role in the overall performance and functionality of the system. When RAM chips malfunction, it can cause a range of issues, such as system crashes, application errors, and data corruption. Therefore, it’s essential to detect RAM problems early

How to Permanently Destroy the Data on Your Old SSD Before Disposal
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How to Permanently Destroy the Data on Your Old SSD Before Disposal

Solid State Drives (SSDs) have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their speed and reliability. An important consideration when disposing of an SSD is the proper destruction of the data it contains. Unlike traditional hard drives, SSDs use a different technology to store data, making the process of securely wiping data from an

Is My Neighbor Watching Me? How Easy to is it to Hack My Home Wi-Fi?
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Is My Neighbor Watching Me? How Easy to is it to Hack My Home Wi-Fi?

Remember that catchy Rockwell/Michael Jackson from the 1980’s, called Somebody’s watching me? Well, in today’s modern age Rockwell would get nightmares nightly, just thinking of just how easy it is for his neighbors to watch him now. It’s easy for a neighbor to hack your home Wi-Fi, and the consequences can be serious. With the