And Which VPN Services Are the Best.
VPN services

And Which VPN Services Are the Best.

In an age of increased online surveillance and digital security breaches, it’s never been more important to protect your digital privacy. One of the best ways to do this is through the use of a Virtual Private Network (VPN). A VPN is a service that encrypts your internet traffic and reroutes it through a secure,

Protect Your Browsing When Using Public Wi-Fi
internet café

Protect Your Browsing When Using Public Wi-Fi

Public Wi-Fi can be convenient, but it can also be dangerous if you don’t know how to protect yourself. Unsecured public networks are an easy target for hackers looking to steal your confidential information. Using your local cafe’s wifi is a super risky endeavor, because according Kaspersky Labs, “the more than one fourth (28%) of

Don’t Trash Your Old Phone, Use it as a Security Camera!

Don’t Trash Your Old Phone, Use it as a Security Camera!

So you’ve got some old smartphones laying around in house, in closets, sock drawers, etc., don’t just let them sit there doing noting gathering dust. There are so many uses for old cellphones we’d be here all day just scratching the surface. Well, for example an older cellphone could be used as fileserver or as