5 Best Ways to Make Your Wi-fi Home Network Faster
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5 Best Ways to Make Your Wi-fi Home Network Faster

In today’s world, fast and reliable internet is a necessity for smooth streaming and gaming experiences. Slow Wi-Fi speeds can be frustrating and can disrupt your entertainment time – especially while trying to binge watch Stranger Things in full 4K glory. To ensure that you get the best WiFi speeds for streaming and gaming, here

Is My Neighbor Watching Me? How Easy to is it to Hack My Home Wi-Fi?
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Is My Neighbor Watching Me? How Easy to is it to Hack My Home Wi-Fi?

Remember that catchy Rockwell/Michael Jackson from the 1980’s, called Somebody’s watching me? Well, in today’s modern age Rockwell would get nightmares nightly, just thinking of just how easy it is for his neighbors to watch him now. It’s easy for a neighbor to hack your home Wi-Fi, and the consequences can be serious. With the